Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wedding Bells

Well, this will be a short blog, but just a foreword to the wedding...

Tomorrow I leave for Orlando for the big day. We are having a cookout with the future family and with the wedding party.

Friday is the rehersal dinner and rehersal, and Saturday is the big day!

Tami and I leave for our honeymoon on Sunday afternoon and arrive in Knoxville on Sunday night. On monday we are driving to Gatlinburg where we will stay 4 nights in a cabin. This place has an indoor and outdoor fireplace, a hot tub, a pool table, and its secluded on the side of a mountain. All we need is some snow and good enough weather to go skiing and on our helicopter ride.

We come back on Friday night and we will stay the night in Oviedo with her parents before coming home for the first time on Saturday. I will probably have my phone off the whole honeymoon, but if you absolutely need me, call me and leave me a message and I'll get back to you.

I hope you all have a great weekend, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hiring a new employee

I know that they say that "Good Help is Hard to Find", but why is acceptable help so hard to find as well? I currently work in the fabrication shop at my company becuase they needed someone to take a dead end project and see it through to completion and none of the qualified people wanted to do it, so I got the nod. Not that I wanted to do it, but because I am the lowest man on the totem pole. I currently have 4 people that work under me in the fabrication shop and we make aluminum handrail and install it out in the field. The key part of this job is traveling to the site to do multiple day installation of twenty foot sections of handrail, usually at 30 feet in the air or higher.

Here is my current situation at work with my 4 employees:

1) Employee #1, who is sadly enough my best employee got a DUI last year. Not just a regular spend a night in jail, pay a fine, and go through counseling to get your license back, but a big time DUI. What is a "big time DUI" you might ask? This is when you blow three times the legal limit and have a court order placed upon you to have to keep a breathalyzer in your car that you must use to start up and continue to drive your vehicle. In addition to this, he cannot operate any vehicle but his own for another 9 months until his breathalyzer restriction is removed, so therefore he cannot drive company trucks to get materials out to the field for installs.

2) Employee #2, who is the most arrogant of my employees also does not have a driver's license. He got pulled over too many times and lost his license due to points. Now, does having a suspended license stop him from driving? Of course not! He is invincible... except for those 5 times he has been pulled over in the 3 months he has been working for me. Luckily the judge keeps rolling all of his offenses into one giant case against him, and if he keeps getting pulled over, his inevitable stay in jail will continue to be put off until I am assigned elsewhere. Not only does he have driver’s license woes, but he has the oh so wonderful habit of asking everyone in the shop (about 22 people altogether) to borrow money every day... money in which he has no intentions of paying back. Finally, the best of all of his many qualities, is the fact that he utterly hates his wife, and gets in loud shouting matches with her over the phone that is available for employees to use on breaks and lunch. Not just the shouting matches, but the fact that I get to hear him bitching about it for the rest of the day.

3) Employee #3 is my welder. It is a very important job, and he is very good at it. Unfortunately he, like the others, lost his drivers license (see a trend here?). He too got a DUI and he also has 3 pending “Driving with a Suspended License” charges against him. Good times. Luckily he lives on the site in his van so he always has to come to work, even when he is too hung over to think straight. He also came in the other day and asked if he could borrow $500 from the company to bail out his wife's boyfriend from jail. Now, I don't know about you, but if a guy want's to bail out the guy his wife is cheating on him with, he isn't the brightest candel in the drawer.

4) Employee #4 is my Guatemalan. Who is by far the best worker and the one I trust the most. He is the only one I can depend on to count inventory correctly or to give me an accurate status of an item. He speaks broken English, but he is an amazing worker and a really nice guy. Unfortunately his Guatemalan driver’s license is not ok for our company insurance so he can’t drive our crew either.

This lack of employees with driver’s licenses leaves us with 2 options
1) Let me drive them out in the field, which is what we have been doing up to this point about every other week. The problem with this is the fact that I am going on a honeymoon next week and can’t drive them and once I am married, I will not be wanting to be gone for 5 days at a time.
2) Hire someone with new with a valid driver’s license who will stick around in the long term.

I called 5 guys who had turned in applications with us, and none of them were willing to travel about 50% of the time or work for 12-14 dollars an hour. One who had been out of work for almost 2 years... 2 YEARS... laughed at me when I told him the pay. If I had been without a job for 2 years, I would be working at McDonalds and the local fat guy strip club on the side to support my family, and I would jump at any opportunity to do anything else.

Oh well, so tomorrow the search for a person with a drivers license continues. I guess I just assumed that most of this country has one and that it is no big deal, but apparently in the construction industry it practically makes you the boss.

One a happier note:
5 days from now I will be married! I truly can’t believe how lucky I am and I can’t wait!!!

Until next time, I wish you all a happy and successful 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Getting Close to Crunch Time

It's getting close to the wedding day, 5 days, 20 hours and 49 minutes to be exact. I am truly more excited about this day than any other in my life and while I can't wait for the ceremony and reception, I also can't wait for it to be over as well as all of the added stress that a wedding brings along.

In addition to the stress from the wedding, my dad fell off his bike on the 1st and fractured his hip and has to be moved around in a wheel chair and with a lot of pain. I convinced him to go to the emergency room on Friday morning and spent the whole day at North Florida Regional with him and my mom in the ER. When we found out that he wasn't going to need surgery, I jumped in my truck and headed to Orlando because Tami and I had planned on going to Disney on Saturday. During my trip, the only radio station that I could get which was playing the Bama vs Utah game was the Utah broadcast, so I was about to pull my hair out when I finally got to Oviedo and in front of a TV.

So needless to say I was more than ready for a relaxing day at Disney, if that is possible. Luckily, this day it was. Steve pulled a major favor for me and got us into the park for free and hooked us up with some flash passes to use on any ride. It made the day so much better. The only ride we had to really wait for was the Haunted Mansion, which made for an incredible day. My favorite rides were Test Track and Mission Space at Epcot and Thunder Mountain and Buzz Lightyear (which I scored a 487,300 in to beat Tami's 2,400) at Disney.

I am so excited about marrying Tami. I have never been so certain about anything in my life and as long as I can get through my vows and back down the isle without falling or anything majorly embarassing happening, I feel that I will be in good shape. Our honeymoon to Gatlinburg will be great as well if we can get a little snow to help us out.

I hope someone reads this, and I promise I will make future blog entries a little more entertaining.
